Giochi dell'Oca e di percorso
(by Luigi Ciompi & Adrian Seville) |
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Règles (Les) du Jeu de la Constitution sur l'air du Branle de Mets - The Game of the Constitution | ||
Le jeu de la Constitution |
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primo autore: | Anonimo | |
secondo autore: | De Bonnaire Louis | |
anno: | 1721 | |
luogo: |
Francia-Parigi ![]() |
periodo: | XVIII secolo (1°/4) | |
percorso: | Percorso di 63 caselle numerate | |
materiale: | carta (paper) (papier) | |
dimensioni: | 685X900 (550X588) | |
stampa: | Acquaforte (taille-douce) (ecthing) | |
luogo acquisto: | ||
data acquisto: | ||
dimensioni confezione: | ||
numero caselle: | 63 | |
categoria: | Propaganda | |
tipo di gioco: | Gioco di percorso | |
editore: | Non indicato | |
stampatore: | Non indicato | |
proprietario: | Collezione Rothschild | |
autore delle foto: | Waddesdon The Rothschild Collection (The National Trust) | |
numero di catalogo: | 1200 | |
descrizione: |
Gioco di 63 caselle numerate con numeri romani e disposte in spirale, antioraria, centripeta. Ai lati due colonne all'interno delle quali sono scritte le regole in rima. Regole scritte anche al centro (all'interno della spirale). Il gioco anonimo illustra con intenti satirici le teorie dei giansenisti, seguaci del vescovo olandese Giansenio, che si diffusero in Italia, Francia e Paesi Bassi nel '700. La dottrina fu condannata da Innocenzo III nel 1753. Ma i giansenisti sostennero che le tesi impugnate dal Papa non corrispondevano all'effettivo pensiero di Giansenio. Nacque così una polemica, spesso sottilmente teologica, di cui la tavola è significativa e piuttosto oscura testimonianza. Al centro: "Le regles/ du Jeu/ De la Constitution/ Sur l' air du branle de Mets." "Le Jeu de la Constitution" "Ce Jeu comme on le voit par la Forme, n'est qu une Imitation du Jeu de l'oye. Ceux qui sont instruits / en concevront aisement les raports. Aulieu du Jardin de l'Oye c'est au Concile qu'il faut arriver pour / gagner. On y va par la Tradition des Apotres dont le nombre est égal a celui des Oyes, dont ils / tiennent la place. Le Pont qu'on renco(n)tre au nombre 6 marque les Explications par le moien desquelles on / passe à l'Acceptation elle se trouve à 12: parceque ce nombre est le plus grand qu'on puisse faire en deux Dez. Et que le grand Nombre est la Regle des Acceptans. le Labyrinthe c'est l'erreur où tombent ceux qui souscrivent / à la condamnation des 101 Propositions. Le Cabaret est le lieu de l'Accommodement: le corps de Doctrine c'est le Puits, / Où l'on a caché la Verité. La Prison c'est la Bastille. la Mort où le jeu recommence c'est celle de Clement XI. / Tous ces raports semblent presager qu'un jour l'Histoire de la Constitution ne sera plus qu'un Conte de ma mère l'Oye / Pour indiquer a ceux qui le feront des circo(n)stances qui meritent de n'etre pas omises on a representé le Schisme, où / quelques eveques Constitutionaires se sont portés par la Robe dechirée qui se voit au nombre 15. au 33. un Evéque sonne / du Cor et tient de l'autre main une trompette et un haut-bois. Ces trois Instrumens expriment les trois Avertissemens de Mr / de Soissons et les tons differens quil y prend. A 24 on a mis la Tour de Babel et là se fait la confusion du Langage de la / foi dans la Diversité des Sens qu'on donne à la Bulle et des manieres dont on la reçoit. Le Cardinal de Noa(i)lles est à la / porte du Concile, c'est à dire au Nombre 62 d'où l'on ne peut plus jouer qu'en reculant. les Eveques Re-Appellans sont à 12 / du Concile, parce qu'à la fin du Jeu le grand nombre sera pour eux comme il est au commencement pour les Acceptans. Regles generales Pour ne pas gagner d'un seul coup quand on fait 6. et 3. on va au I Apel 26. et par 5. et 4. on va au 2 Apel 53. / 6. au pont des Explications on paie le prix dont on est convenu et on se met à 12 / 12. à l'Acceptation ne joue que le plus nombreux de ses dez ainsi de 1 et 2 on ne joue que le 2 / 15. au Schisme on paie et on reto(u)rne à l'unité c'est a dire au Nombre 1 où est l'arche / 16. au Labyrinthe de l'Erreur on joue en retrograda(n)t vers l'un d'où l'on revient en suite / 17. au Cabaret de l'accommodement on paie aux joueurs et ils jouent chacun deux fois / 24. a la Tour de Babel on paie et on attend qu'un autre en delivre / 33. aux trois Avertissemens on joue le petit dé en avancant , et l'autre en reculant / 40. a la prison on ne paie rien et on ne cesse point de jouer a son tour ; mais on ne comte rien jusqu'a / ce qu'on fasse cinq qui multiplié par trois conduit au Roi Louis 15. par qui on est de livré / 49. au Puits de la Verité cachée on paie et on attend sa delivrance / 58. a la mort de Clement XI on paie et on recommence. / 63. au Concile on gagne tout et le Jeu finit" Nella colonna di sinistra: "Non ego cum Gruibus simul / Anseribus-que sedebo In Synodis / S.Greg. Nazianz. Carm.10." -I- Voici le Jeu qu'on apelle / de la Constitution/ Jeu fin dont l'Invention/ n'est pas tout à fait nouvelle/ Et qui gagner y voudra/ au Concile apel, apelle / et qui gagner y voudra / au Concile appellera. -II- Pour arriver au Concile / on fuit la Tradition / et par la succession / des Apotres on de file / Mais qui neuf d'abord fera / auroit le gain trop facile / mais qui neuf d'abord fera / à l'un des Apels ira. -III- Qui par six et trois commence / a vingt six va se placer / c'est là qu'on a fait tracer / l'Apel où s'ouvrit la danse / et qui cinq et quatre fait / au second Appel s'avance / et qui cinq et quatre fait / a cinquante trois se met. -IV- a six un pont se presente / pont des Explications / où par des contorsions / pour passer on se tourmente / et pour ne se pas noier / à douze on fait sa descente / et pour ne se pas noier / certain prix il faut paier. -V- Quand on est au nombre douze / c'est à l'Acceptation / d'où nulle precaution / n'empeche qu'on ne se blouse / le grand nombre qu'on suivra / quelque parti qu'on epouse / le grand nombre qu'on suivra / de mal en pis conduira. -VI- d'un et deux le plus grand nombre / c'est le deux on le jouera /et par là l'on tombera / dans le Labyrinthe sombre / puis on retrogradera / comme au Cadrand'Achas l'ombre / puis on retrogr(a)dera / vers l'un d'où l'on reviendra. -VII- Lors que par trois dans le Schisme / on se voit precipité / on retourne a l'unité / c'est le notre catechisme / mais on paie en retournant / le prix du Catholicisme / mais on paie en retournant / le meme prix qu'en entrant." Nella colonna di destra: " Je ne me verrai plus dans / des Conciles d'Oyes / S. Greg. de Naziane Carm.10" -VIII- Quand la Regle generale / vous conduit au Cabaret / de l'accommodement fait / Par la vertu Cardinale / le Joueurs vous regalés / et deux fois ils ont la bale / les Joueurs vous regalés / et puis vous vous en allés. -IX- Le six dans la Tour vous jette / Tour de la Confusion / où chacun parle un jargon / que n'entend nul interprete / Vous paies en attendant / que quelque autre vous rachete / Vous paies en attendant / que quelque autre en fasse autant. -X- Quand vous ouvres la barriere / du triple Avertissement / par un double mouvement / Vous faites votre carriere / va le dé moindre en avant / ainsi Soisson fait souvent. -XI- Si pour prix de votre zele / vous souffrés dans la prison / pour vous sur notre horison / luit une etoile Nouvelle / faites cinq et le triplés / en donnant quinze coups d'aile / Faites cinq et le triplés / et vers Louis quinze alles. -XII- Dans le puits de Democrite / Si le sort vous a jetté / vous cherchés la Verité / sans espoir et sans Merite / mais quand un autre y viendra / Paies la somme prescrite / mais quand un autre y viendra / il vous en delivrera. -XIII- Lors que par un cas bizare / en Allant ou Revenant / votre dé va rencontrant / la Mort dessous la Thiarre / il faut je n'y puis penser / o que la Mort est Barbaré / il faut je n'y puis penser / Paier et recommencer. -XIV- Qui point sur point accumule / et croit faire son chemin / en aprochant de la fin / doit craindre le ridicule / au Cardinal il viendra / et recu...recu...recule... / au Cardinal il viendra / et recu...reculera..." NOTE A) In una pubblicazione del 1722 "Essai du nouveau conte de ma mère loye, ou les enluminures du jeu de la Constitution", (autore anonimo), dopo il frontespizio si legge: "AVERTISSEMENT. Le petit Ouvrage que nous donnons au Public, en est dejà connu depuis plusieurs mois. Des incidens imprevus en ayant interrompu l'impression, l'Auteur ne s'est determiné qu'avec peine à laisser échaper de ses mains le reste de son Manuscrit. C'est durant ces délais que quelques exemplaires de l'imprimé se sont repandus asses à contretems. On avoit des raisons pour ne pas distribuer sitot cet écrit, quand meme il eut été complet. Il étoit naturel d'attendre que le Jeu de la Constitution fut un peu plus connu pour en publier les Enluminures: Mais l'empressement qu'on a de les faire transcrire, quoi qu'imparfaites, à fait juger qu'il ne convenoit plus de les tenir cachées. Quand l'estampe du jeu sera plus commune, il sera facile à ceux qui la voudront avoir, de la joindre à leur brochure. On avertit seulement ceux qui ont acheté les premieres feuilles imprimées, qu'ils ne doivent point attendre les dernieres; et qu'il ne se debitera que des exemplaires entiers." B) Il gioco è contenuto all’interno del libro "POESIES SUR LA CONSTITUTION UNIGENITUS Recueillies par le Chevalier de G... Officier du Régiment de Champagne CONGRUIT & VERITAS RIDERE, QUIA LAETANS. A VILLEFRANCHE Chez PHILALETE BELHUMEUR .....(sic) 1724. L'esemplare è di piccole dimensioni (153X196), presenta soltanto le regole scritte al centro ed è generalmente difficile trovare il libro completo di gioco (Arch. N°1645). C) Vedi altri esemplari: Arch. n°248, Arch. n°1232, Arch. n°1452 REFERENZA 1 (D'Allemagne, pag. 210): "Les Règles du Jeu de la Constitution sur l'air du branle de Mets (1721). Taille-douce anonyme. 44,5x59. Jeu à cases muettes et à vignettes édité lors de la promulgation de la Bulle Unigenitus. Règle en prose au centre et en vers dans deux cartouches sur les cotés. Voir notice et pl.16. Ce jeu a été édité avec règle du jeu en flamand: "Het nieuwe gansebord der Constitution Unigenitus". S.l.n.d. Taille-douce. 30x44 (1721)." REFERENZA 2 Le Jeu de la Constitution – 1721/22 or, to give its the full title, Le Jeu / De la Constitution / Sur l’air du branle de Mets (sic) is one of the most controversial games ever devised on the pattern of the game of Goose and perhaps may be regarded as the first polemical variant (Girard and Quétel 1982: 58 and 73). It dates from about 1721 but is associated with a book that appeared a year later, the Essay du Nouveau Conte de ma Mère l’Oye ou Les Enluminures de la Constitution. This book contains a folding plate of the game, in smaller format and with some omission of text. It also contains 18 enluminures, in rhymed couplets, which explain the game in detail. The claimed author is given in the subtitle: ‘Poesies sur la Constitution Unigenitus, recuellies par le Chevalier de G..., Officier du Regiment de Champagne’. The publisher is given as Philalete Belhumeur [“Good Humour”], Villefranche. These publication details are of course wholly fictitious, as is the claimed author, who in reality was the Abbé Louis de Bonnaire (1680-1752); the book was published in Amsterdam, the full-sheet game probably in Paris. De Bonnaire was a supporter of the Jansenist heresy [named for Cornelius Jansen 1585-1638]: this theology emphasised a particular reading of Augustine’s idea of efficacious grace which stressed that only a certain portion of humanity were predestined to be saved. Though the Jansenists were strongly Catholic, Jesuits and the papacy were suspicious of their beliefs, which seemed to limit free will and the ability to choose to do good or evil. Despite condemnation by Pope Innocent X in 1655, the movement gained strong support in the Church. The Jansenist position, as included in 101 of the propositions of Pasquier Quesnel [Jansenist theologian, b1634 d1719] in his Épitomé des Morales des Évangélistes of 1671, was finally condemned by Pope Clement XI’s Unigenitus bull of 1713, but even this condemnation did little to diminish the enthusiasm of adherents. Indeed, in 1717, four French Bishops attempted to appeal Unigenitus to a General Council, a move that received considerable support from other clergy and the parlements, though the majority of clergy stood by the Pope: Clement responded in the next year by excommunicating all those who had called for a General Council. Even so, it was not until 1728 that the death of Jansenism was marked by the submission to the Pope’s authority of Cardinal Noailles, Archbishop of Paris, who had originally approved Quesnel’s book and was reluctant to support Unigenitus, arguing that many of the 101 propositions were in fact orthodox. The point of the game and of De Bonnaire’s book is to challenge and mock the authority of the Church and in particular that of the Pope and of his bull. For example, the columns on either side are each headed by a cartoon depicting the Pope in council, all present being represented by geese wearing mitres. Below the lefthand cartoon, is the Latin phrase “Non ego cum Gruibus simul Anseribusque sedebo in Synodis – S. Greg. Nazianz Carm. 10” (I shall not sit in Synod with cranes and geese). This refers to a dictum of Gregory of Nazianzus (c329-390), Archbishop of Constantinople, who compared the rowdy Council of Constantinople (381 AD) to the loud cackling of a flock of geese. The ‘good’ spaces show the Apostles ‘equal in number to that of the geese, which they replace’: there are thirteen, including St Paul, and they occupy the traditional spaces. The traditional hazards are likewise replaced or given special significance, and others are added. The usual entry arch appears as Noah’s Ark, at space 1, symbolising the Church as it is tossed about on the waters of Unigenitus. The bridge of explanations, at the expected space 6, shows bishops falling into the water, marking their error in taking the wrong sense of the 101 propositions: it leads to space 12, acceptance, where a young woman, blindfolded, is shown as accepting Unigenitus through ignorance. At space 15, there is the torn robe, symbolising schism of the Church. The labyrinth (here at space 16) symbolises error into which fall those who subscribe to the condemnation of the 101 propositions. The inn, at space 19, is here the cabaret, and represents the ‘accommodation’ (accommodement), or submission of the Jansenists to the bull. The Tower of Babel at space 24 represents the confusion of language into which the bull has fallen. At space 26 is the first appeal, of 1717, represented by a notice on the Vatican door. At space 33 we find the avertissemens or pronouncements of the Archbishop of Soissons [Jean-Joseph Languet de Gergy, 1677-1753], a notorious anti-Jansenist and vehement defender of Unigenitus. He has an oboe, a horn and a trumpet, the three instruments symbolising ‘his three avertissements and their different tones’: a special rule refers to moving forward with the ‘small dice’ and with ‘the other’ when going back. Next is the prison at space 40, where the player must wait until a throw of 5, which multiplied by 3 will lead to Louis XV and deliverance. The well (space 49) symbolises the body of doctrine, in which the truth is hidden. At space 51 are the re-appealing Bishops, the second appeal being at space 53. At space 55 is the portrait of Louis XV – enluminere XV in the book makes clear that he was seen as a force for change and re-unifying the Church. The death space at 58 shows the skeleton of Pope Clement XI, sitting in an armchair wearing his papal tiara and raising his bony hand to bless an infant at his feet, which represents the Unigenitus bull. Cardinal Noailles appears at the penultimate space, 62, from which point ‘one may only go backward’. The explanatory text in the centre of the game claims that it ‘presages the day that the constitution of the Church will no longer be nothing but un Conte de ma Mère l’Oye’ – a Mother Goose tale, here used as a figure of speech for something unbelievable and ridiculous. The winning space at 63 shows that this result is to be achieved by a General Council, in reference to that called for in 1717. De Bonnaire’s book was condemned at Arras in 1726. Although his anonymity as author seems to have been effective in protecting him, the publishers (father and son) were thrown into the Bastille. Even today, the game has the power to shock by the force of its imagery. (Plock, Phillippa - Seville Adrian) REFERENZA 3 "The Game of the Constitution (Le Jeu de la Constitution)", c.1721. Unknown maker; etching and engraving on paper, hand-coloured in watercolour and bodycolour. Waddesdon Manor, The Rothschild Collection (Rothschild Family Trust). This political version of the Game of the Goose was designed as propaganda during one of the most significant religious controversies of the eighteenth century. It expresses criticism of the papal bull, "Unigenitus", Pope Clement XI’s decree condemning Jansenism in 1713. Followers of Cornelius Jansen (1585-1638) believed in the doctrine of predestination which taught that some people were pre-selected by God for salvation. Although it was popular with many churchman and nobles, the Pope and Louis XIV considered it a dangerous heresy, as it seemed to do away with free will. The papal bull marked the beginning of the end for Jansenism in France and it was finally suppressed in 1757. Square number 58, traditionally associated with death, sent the player back to the beginning of the game. Here, it depicts the skeleton of Pope Clement XI, who died in 1721. (Jacobs Rachel) REFERENZA 4 Game 43: The Game of the Constitution Le Jeu / De la Constitution / Sur l’air du branle de Mets. [Paris(?): N.p., c. 1721]. Copper engraving, 43 x 57 cm. Refs.: Ciompi/Seville 1200; D’Allemagne, pl. 16. Exhibits 43a: [Abbé Louis de Bonnaire.] Essay du Nouveau Conte de ma Mère l’Oye ou Les Enluminures de la Constitution. 2 vols. [Amsterdam: N.p., with spurious imprint], 1724 . This is the most hard-hitting polemical game ever devised on the pattern of the game of Goose. The game itself is associated with the book that appeared a year later, the Essay du Nouveau Conte de ma Mère l’Oye ou Les Enluminures de la Constitution, which contains a folding plate of the game, in smaller format. It also contains 18 enluminures [i.e., explanations], in rhymed couplets, which explain the game in detail. The claimed author is given in the subtitle: Poesies sur la Constitution Unigenitus, recuellies par le Chevalier de G ..., Officier du Regiment de Champagne. The publisher is given as ”Philalete Belhumeur, Villefranche.” These publication details are of course wholly spurious, as is the claimed author, who was actually the Abbé Louis de Bonnaire (1679–1752); the book was published in Amsterdam, the engraved full-sheet game probably in Paris. De Bonnaire was a supporter of the Jansenist heresy. This theology emphasised a particular reading of Augustine’s idea of efficacious grace, which stressed that only a certain portion of humanity was predestined to be saved. Though the Jansenists were strongly Catholic, the Jesuits and the papacy were suspicious of their beliefs, which seemed to limit free will and the ability to choose between good or evil. Despite condemnation by Pope Innocent X in 1655, the movement gained strong support in the Church. The Jansenist position, as set out in 101 of the propositions of Jansenist theologian Pasquier Quesnel (1634 - 1719) in his Épitomé des morales des Évangélistes of 1671, was finally condemned by Pope Clement XI’s Unigenitus bull of 1713, but even this did little to diminish the enthusiasm of adherents. Indeed, in 1717, four French bishops attempted to appeal Unigenitus to a General Council; Clement responded by excommunicating all those who had called for this. Even so, it was not until 1728 that the death-knell of Jansenism was sounded by the submission to the Pope’s authority of Cardinal Noailles, archbishop of Paris, who had originally approved of Quesnel’s book. It was, however, a lingering death, for during the whole of the 18th century Jansenist views were publicized through a clandestine though much read newspaper called Nouvelles ecclésiastiques, founded in 1728. The point of the game is to challenge and mock the authority of the Church and in particular that of the Pope and Unigenitus. The side columns are headed by cartoons of the Pope in council, represented as geese wearing mitres. Below the left cartoon is the Latin phrase “Non ego cum Gruibus simul Anseribusque sedebo in Synodis – S. Greg. Nazianz Carm. 10” [I shall not sit in Synod with cranes and geese], a dictum of Gregory of Nazianzus (c. 329–390), archbishop of Constantinople, who compared the rowdy Council of Constantinople (AD 381) to the cackling of a flock of geese. The favorable spaces show the Apostles, ”equal in number to that of the geese, which they replace,” there being thirteen, including St Paul. The traditional hazards are also replaced or given special significance, and others are added. The usual entry arch appears as Noah’s Ark, at space 1, symbolising the Church as it is tossed about on the waters of Unigenitus. The bridge of explanations, at the expected space 6, shows bishops falling into the water, marking their error in taking the wrong sense of the 101 propositions. It leads to space 12, acceptance, where a young woman, blindfolded, is shown as accepting Unigenitus through ignorance. At space 15, there is the torn robe, symbolising schism of the Church. The labyrinth (here at space 16) symbolizes error into which fall those who subscribe to the condemnation of the 101 propositions. The inn, at space 19, is here the cabaret, and represents the “accommodation” (accommodement), or submission of the Jansenists to the bull. The Tower of Babel at space 24 represents the confusion of language into which the bull has fallen. At space 26 is the first appeal, of 1717, represented by a notice on the Vatican door. At space 33 we find the avertissemens, or pronouncements, of the archbishop of Soissons, Jean-Joseph Languet de Gergy (1677–1753), a notorious anti-Jansenist. Next is the prison at space 40, where the player must wait until a throw of 5 leads to Louis XV and deliverance. The well (space 49) symbolizes the body of doctrine, in which the truth is hidden. The death space at 58 shows the skeleton of Pope Clement XI, raising his bony hand to bless an infant at his feet, which represents the Unigenitus bull. Cardinal Noailles appears at the penultimate space, 62, from which point ”one may only go backward.” The text in the center of the game says it ”presages the day that the constitution of the Church will no longer be nothing but un Conte de ma Mère l’Oye” - a Mother Goose tale, i.e., unbelievable and ridiculous. The winning space at 63 shows that this is to be achieved by a General Council, in reference to that called for in 1717. De Bonnaire’s book was condemned at Arras in 1726. Although his anonymity as author seems to have been effective in protecting him, the publishers (father and son) were thrown into the Bastille. Even today, the game has the power to shock by the force of its imagery and the passion it so evidently represents. (Adrian Seville) REFERENZA 5 Il gioco fu pubblicato in occasione della Bolla Unigenitus e si riferisce alla storia del Giansenismo al principio del XVIII secolo. La Costituzione come si chiamava nel 1721 è l'insieme delle proposizioni giansenistiche che la Compagnia del Gesù inviò a Roma in numero di 103; il Santo Uffizio ne condannò 101. Il movimento era partito dalla pubblicazione dell'opuscolo "Un caso di coscienza" del 1702. La Sorbona aveva dichiarato che l'assoluzione nel caso di coscienza sollevato da questo opuscolo era valida: Papa Clemente XI con la bolla Vineam Domini del 1705, riaccese la controversia. Si arrivò a demolire il convento delle suore di Port Royal e a disseppellire i corpi che si trovavano nell'attiguo cimitero. Sotto il controllo dei Gesuiti, Luigi XIV chiese a Roma la condanna delle Riflessioni Morali di Quesnel di ispirazione giansenista e l'ottenne rinnovando le persecuzioni contro i giansenisti di cui fu vittima per primo il Cardinale di Noailles. Poco dopo la condanna della Costituzione da parte del Gran Concilio una chiesa scismatica indipendente fu costituita in Olanda; e in Olanda appunto fu pubblicato questo gioco con le regole in fiammingo (Het nieuwe gansebord der Constitution Unigenitus, incisione in rame di anonimo verso il 1721). Il gioco è contro i giansenisti e si suppone che l'autore abbia voluto conservare l'anonimato per i potenti appoggi di cui essi godevano alla corte di Luigi XV nei primi anni del suo regno e presso l'alto clero. Esiste comunque un opuscolo intitolato Saggio sul nuovo racconto di Mamma Oca che è attribuito (da Barbier) all'abate Debonnaire prete oratoriano e fu pubblicato nel 1722; a un racconto di Mamma Oca è paragonato appunto in questo gioco, l'argomento stesso della controversia. Non è la sola nota irriverente della tavola: in cima alle colonne si può notare una vignetta raffigurante tredici oche munite di mitria e di croce e nelle regole è detto che gli Apostoli in numero uguale a quello delle Oche ne fanno le veci. Le regole che si trovano nel riquadro centrale sono ripetute in altra precedente edizione in versi nelle due colonne ai lati della tavola e sono da cantarsi sull'aria di Branle de Mets. Dice l'autore che questo gioco è concepito a somiglianza del gioco dell'Oca e chi lo conosce scoprirà agevolmente i rapporti fra i due giochi; il giardino dell'Oca è sostituito dal Concilio a cui bisogna arrivare per vincere. Vi si arriva attraverso la Tradizione degli Apostoli che sono in numero uguale a quello delle Oche, di cui fanno le veci. Il ponte che s'incontra al numero 6 simboleggia le Spiegazioni per mezzo delle quali si passa all'Accettazione: la quale si trova al numero 12 perchè questo punto è il più alto che si possa ottenere con due dadi e perchè il Gran Numero è la regola degli Accettanti. Il Labirinto è l'errore in cui cadono coloro i quali sottoscrivono la condanna delle 101 Proposizioni la Bettola il luogo dell'Accomodamento. Tien luogo del pozzo il Corpo della Dottrina ove è stata nascosta la verità. La Prigione è la Bastiglia. La Morte ove si deve ricominciare il gioco daccapo è quella di Clemente XI. Tutti questi rapporti fanno presagire che un giorno la Storia della Costituzione sarà solo una Favola di Mamma Oca. Per indicare certe circostanze che meritano d'essere menzionate è stato qui raffigurato lo Scisma a cui sono giunti certi Vescovi Costituzionari con la Veste Strappata del n.15. Al n. 33 un vescovo suona il corno e tiene nell'altra mano una tromba e un oboe. Questi tre strumenti stanno ad indicare i tre Avvertimenti di Mr. de Soissons e i loro diversi toni. Al n. 24 si vede la Torre di Babele e là avviene la confusione del Linguaggio della Fede nella diversità dei sensi che si danno alla Bolla e delle maniere in cui la si riceve. Il Cardinale di Nouilles è alla porta del Concilio vale a dire al n. 62 da dove non si può giocare se non retrocedendo. I Vescovi Riappellanti sono a 12 porte dal Concilio perchè alla fine del gioco il gran numero sarà per loro come all'inizio è per gli Accettanti. Per non vincere d'un sol colpo quando si trae 6 e 3 si va al I Appello (26) e quando si trae 5 e 4 si va al II Appello (53). Al Ponte delle Spiegazioni (6) si paga il prezzo convenuto e ci si porta al 12. Al 12 cioè all'Accettazione si gioca solo il dado più alto: così fra 1 e 2 si gioca solo il 2. Allo Scisma (15) si paga e si ritorna all'Unità vale a dire al numero 1 dov'è l'Arca di Noé. Al 16 Labirinto dell'Errore si gioca retrocedendo verso l'1 da cui poi si ritorna. Alla Bettola dell'Accomodamento (17) si paga ai giocatori e si attende che ciascuno abbia giocato due volte. Al numero 24 Torre di Babele si paga e si aspetta un altro. Ai tre Avvertimenti (22) si gioca il dado più basso avanzando e il più alto retrocedendo. In Prigione non si paga niente e non si smette affatto di giocare ma non si contano punti sinchè non si fa 5 che moltiplicato per tre conduce a Re Luigi XV da cui si è liberati. Alla Morte di Clemente XI (58) si paga e si ricomincia. Al Gran Concilio si vince, tutto il gioco è finito. (Negri&Vercelloni) REFERENZA 6 (Baron De Vinck, pag. 20, n°35) 1721: Les Règles du Jeu de la Constitution sur l'air du branle de Metz. Voici le jeu qu'on appelle de la Constitution: jeu fin, dont l'invention n'est pas tout à fait nouvelle, et qui gagner y voudra au Concile apel appelle, et qui gagner y voudra, au Concile appellera. Au centre de la feuille se trouva le jeu, en soixante-trois cases dont trentre representent des sujets gravés. Le n°58 figure la mort de Clément XI. Une complainte en quatorze couplets occupe les deux cotés de l'image. Violente satire qui fustige la bulle Unigenitus. H. 0,m445. L. 0m,577, du trait carré. (Baron De Vinck, pag. 21, n°36) 1721. Copie de jeu précédent, exécutée en Hollande. Memes dispositions, meme texte, mais avec traduction hollandaise. Le pilastre de gauche contient seize coplets en quatre vers hollandais et le pilastre de droite quatorze coplets en huit vers français. L'explication des règles du jeu est en français et en hollandais. (Voir Muller, Beredeneerde beschryving, t. IV, n°3708. H. 0m,445. L. 0m,577, du trait carré. Exhibitions: - "Il Gioco dell'Oca nei tempi". Pro Loco Mirano, Mirano (VE) Barchessa di Villa Morosini ora XXV Aprile. 27 Ottobre - 18 Novembre 2001. - "The Royal Game of the Goose four hundred years of printed Board Games". Exhibition at the Grolier Club, February 23 - May 14, 2016 (Prof. Adrian Seville). |
bibliografia: |
1) VINCK, Eugène, Baron de: "Iconographie du Noble Jeu de l’Oye". Catalogue descriptif et raisonné de la Collection de Jeux formé par le Baron de Vinck". 126 Jeux du XVIIIe au débùt du XIXe siècle. FR. J. Olivier Libraire, 11 Rue des Paroissiens, Bruxelles, pag. 20-21, 1886. 2) ALLEMAGNE, Henry-René D’: "Le noble jeu de l’oie en France, de 1640 à 1950", Ed. Grund, Parigi 1950. 3) NEGRI, Ilio - VERCELLONI, Virgilio: "I giochi di dadi d'azzardo e di passatempo dei gentiluomini e dei pirati". Introduzione di Caterina Santoro, Lerici Milano 1958. 4) MASCHERONI, Silvia - TINTI, Bianca: “Il gioco dell’oca: un libro da leggere, da guardare, da giocare”. Ed. Bompiani, Milano 1981. 5) GIRARD, Alain R.-QUETEL, Claude: "L’histoire de France racontée par le jeu de l’oie", Ed. Balland-Massin Parigi 1982. 6) MILANESI, Franco - LANARI David: in "Il Gioco dell’oca nei tempi", Catalogo Mostra. Pro Loco Mirano, Ed. CentroOffset srl - Mestrino, Padova (pag. 111), 2001. 7) BUIJNSTERS, P.J. - BUIJNSTERS-SMETS, Leontine: "PAPERTOYS. Speelprenten en papieren speelgoed in Nederland (1640-1920)". Waanders Uitgevers-Zwolle, 2005. 8) PLOCK, Phillippa - SEVILLE, Adrian: "The Rothschild Collection of printed board games at Waddesdon Manor", in XIIIth Board Game Studies Colloquium, Paris, 14-17 April 2010. 9) JACOBS, Rachel: "Playing, Learning, Flirting: Printed Board Games from 18th-Century France". Catalogue exhibition of French eighteenth-century Board Games, 28 March – 28 October 2012, Waddesdon Manor, The Rothschild Collection (Rothschild Family Trust). Rachel Jacobs, Curator. 10) SEVILLE, Adrian: "The Royal Game of the Goose four hundred years of printed Board Games". Catalogue of an Exhibition at the Grolier Club, February 23 - May 14, 2016. 11) SEVILLE, Adrian: "The Cultural Legacy of the Royal Game of the Goose: 400 years of Printed Board Games", Amsterdam University Press, 2019. |
L'Ancien Régime (Girard&Quetel) | ||
Jeu de la Constitution (Da Mascheroni&Tinti) | ||
Accession N°2669.2.25 Waddesdon-The Rothschild Collection | ||
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