Giochi dell'Oca e di percorso
(by Luigi Ciompi & Adrian Seville)
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Nome autore: Darton William 
Nazionalità: Inghilterra 
Città: Londra 

William Darton, Sr. (1755-1819) established the firm 1787 at 55 Gracechurch Street.
Darton & (Joseph) Harvey from 1791.
Darton, Harvey & (Samuel) Darton from 1811.
Harvey & Darton from 1819.
In 1847 the firm was sold to R. Y. Clarke.
William Darton, Jr. (1781-1854) and the firm established at 40/58 Holborn Hill in 1804.
W & T(homas) Darton from 1806 to 1811.
From 1830 until 1836, William Darton Jr. worked in partnership with his son John Maw, who would head the business at Holborn Hill until 1867. The company was named Darton & Hodge from 1862 to 1866.
The firm was sold to W. Wells Gardner in 1867.

"British Museum"
William Darton (publisher/printer; British; Male; 1787 - 1870; fl.)
Address: 58 Holborn Hill, London
Bibliography: Lawrence Darton, "The Dartons, an annotated check-list of children's books, games and educational aids issued by two publishing houses 1787-1870", 2004. Information from Jill Shefrin
Biography: Print publishing house run by at least two generations of the family. William Darton Snr. formed partnership with Joseph Harvey (q.v.) in 1791. William Darton Junior joined the business in 1805. An 1814 title-page to an edition of the 'Minor's Pocket Book' gives the publisher's name as 'Darton, Harvey & Darton', listing William Darton Junr. separately. A mid-nineteenth century print by J R Barfoot (1846,1219.12) gives the publisher's name as Darton & Clark
Also Known As: Darton, William; Darton & Clark; Darton, Harvey & Darton; W Darton & J Harvey

In 1809 W. & T. Darton of 58 Holborn Hill published Walker's Tour through England Q9 Wales, while William Darton Junr. in 1816 published Walker's Geographical Pustime. William Darton was the publisher of Virtue Rewarded and Vice Punished in 1818, and the latest dated game was Fruit Basket of 1882. In 1802 as Darton & Harvey they printed and published the book of rules for Samuel Conder’s A Grammatical Game in Rhyme. This family were the publishers of many books for children. The publishing trade would seem to have been a very friendly one in those days, for when in 1804 Conder & Jones issued their Mythological Amusement, it stated that it was “sold also by”: J. Harris, St. Paul's Church Yard; Darton & Harvey, Gracechurch Street; B. Tabart, Bond Street; and by the author.


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