Giochi dell'Oca e di percorso
(by Luigi Ciompi & Adrian Seville) |
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Wheeling | ||
A New and Exciting Game for Cyclists |
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primo autore: | Non indicato |
secondo autore: | Jaques John&Son | |
anno: | 1900 | |
luogo: |
Inghilterra-Londra ![]() |
periodo: | XX secolo (1°/4) | |
percorso: | Percorso di 100 caselle numerate | |
materiale: | carta incollata su cartone ripiegato in 4 | |
dimensioni: | 365X740 | |
stampa: | Cromolitografia | |
luogo acquisto: | Francia-Beaufort | |
data acquisto: | 29-12-2004 | |
dimensioni confezione: | ||
numero caselle: | 100 | |
categoria: | Automobile, cicli e motocicli | |
tipo di gioco: | Gioco di percorso | |
editore: | Published by J. Jaques & Son. 102, Hatton Garden, London E. C. | |
stampatore: | Published by J. Jaques & Son. 102, Hatton Garden, London E. C. | |
proprietario: | Collezione L. Ciompi - A. Seville | |
autore delle foto: | L. Ciompi - A. Seville | |
numero di catalogo: | 301 | |
descrizione: |
Gioco di percorso di 100 caselle, spirale, orario, centripeto. Verso la fine del secolo la tecnologia nel ciclismo aveva fatto passi da gigante con l'introduzione della bicicletta di sicurezza rendendolo così uno dei passatempi preferiti del fine settimana. Una destinazione popolare per i ciclisti di Londra era "The Anchor", un pub tuttora esistente a Ripley, un villaggio nel Surrey, circa 35 chilometri a sud della capitale britannica. Il gioco del "Giro in Bicicletta" è basato proprio su questa escursione, e "The Anchor" è nella casella vincente. Il giocatore deve totalizzare un punteggio di 1, 3 e 6 con un dado per poter iniziare e gonfiare le ruote, poi si comincia a giocare con due dadi. Nonostante non sia ispirato al Gioco dell'Oca, gli somiglia perchè ha una sequenza regolare di caselle positive per esempio, a ogni oliatore lubrificante, il giocatore può avanzare di 5 caselle. Nella prima parte del percorso troviamo caselle che permettono di ricevere un buono (preso da una serie di carte stampate fornite con il tavoliere) per ottenere un campanello o un fischietto, un set di copertoni o un fanalino. I buoni consentono anche di evitare di essere penalizzati agli imprevisti come nel caso della casella 26 (una curva stretta) dove, se sprovvisto del set di copertoni, il giocatore deve fare ritorno alla casella 10 per procurarselo. Tuttavia c'è un imprevisto a cui non si può rimediare: alla casella 90 il giocatore distrugge la propria bicicletta e deve ritirarsi dal gioco. REGOLE: non riportate sul tavoliere. CASELLE: mute. REFERENZA 1 "Wheeling". (Victoria&Albert Museum) The game shows the adventures and mishaps that sometimes befall cyclists. The playing area has 100 spaces, and the finishing one is the Anchor pub in Ripley. Up to eight players can take part, and each has a lead playing piece. These are in the shape of male and female cyclists and were probably made by Britains Ltd, a company famous for its lead figures. Physical description Design: chromolithograph mounted on card; three folds. N°of squares: 100 Squares illustrated: some Square numbering: all Squares titled: none Subject of starting square: gathering of cyclists Subject of ending square: The anchor at Ripley (pub) Place of Origin: London Date: 1900-1910 Artist/maker: John Jaques & Son Ltd. Materials and Techniques: Chromolithographed paper on card Dimensions: Height: 37.2 cm; width: 75 cm Object history note: The game show the adventures and mishaps which may befall cyclist. Lead pieces were probably made by Britains Ltd, a company which did produce flats for games as well as the hollows cast soldiers. Historical context note Rewards: forward movement, extra turns Forfeits: backward movement, missed turns N°of Players: 6-8 Descriptive line: Chromolithographed race game, Wheeling, made in England by John Jaques & Son between 1900 and 1910. REFERENZA 2 "Wheeling (Tour de roue) édité par J. Jacques&Son au début du XXe siècle, est imprimé par chromolithographie. Ce jeu, qui comporte aussi des pions en plomb représentant des cyclistes, a comme sous-titre: "Jeu Nouveau et Excitant pour les Cyclistes". Il met en scène diverses aventures et mésaventures survenant à ces derniers. (GOODFELLOW Caroline) REFERENZA 3 "Wheeling was published by J. Jacques&Son at the beginning of the 20th century and was printed by chromolithography. This game, which also has lead markers in the shape of cyclists, is subtitled "A New and Exciting Game for Cyclists. It shows many of the adventures and mishaps that befall bicycle riders. (GOODFELLOW Caroline) REFERENZA 4 Game 41: Wheeling Wheeling. London: J. Jaques & Son, 102, Hatton Garden, E.C., [c. 1900]. Chromolithograph, 37 x 76 cm., on four-panel folding board, the reverse having a printed chess board and a halma board. Ref.: Ciompi/Seville 0301. Jaques of London claims to be the oldest surviving manufacturer of games and sports goods in the world, tracing its origin to Thomas Jaques, recorded in 1795 as a manufacturer of goods in ivory, bone and hardwoods, including Tunbridge ware. The copyright on this game was registered in 1896; several editions, all called Wheeling (an old name for cycling) were published up to the 1920s. This example is from the boxed set The New Century Compendium of Games. The goal is to reach The Anchor at space 100, which was (and still is) a public house at Ripley, a village in Surrey on the road to Portsmouth, 22 miles south west of London. The Anchor was a favorite destination for cyclists from London as it was a convenient and scenic ride. The player has to throw 1, 3 or 6 with one dice in order to start and “pump up his tyres”; thereafter, two dice are used. The game, though not obviously derived from Goose, is like it in having a regular sequence of favorable spaces, e.g., at each oil-can, a player can move on 5 more spaces. On the early part of the track are spaces that entitle the player to receive a ”ticket” (a printed card) for a bell or whistle; for a pneumatic outfit; or for a lamp. These tickets enable the player to avoid being penalized at later hazards, such as at space 26 (a sharp tack), and unless provided with a pneumatic outfit, the player must go back to 10 and get one. But one hazard is final: space 90, where the player smashes his machine and has to retire from the game. It is significant that, in order to make a good game, many of the structural features of Goose are present, though with different details. (Adrian Seville) Exhibitions: - "The Royal Game of the Goose four hundred years of printed Board Games". Exhibition at the Grolier Club, February 23 - May 14, 2016 (Prof. Adrian Seville). |
bibliografia: |
1) GOODFELLOW, Caroline: "Jeux de société. Le guide du collectionneur des jeux de société depuis le XVIIIe siècle jusqu’à nos jours", (Edizione francese) Carrousel MS, 2001. 2) GOODFELLOW, Caroline: "A Collector's Guide to Games and Puzzles" Secaucus, New Jersey, Chartwell Books-London, Quintet Publishing Limited 1991. 3) Catalogo Mostra: “Le jeu de l’oie au musée du jouet”, Ville Poissy 2000. 3) SEVILLE, Adrian: "The Royal Game of the Goose four hundred years of printed Board Games". Catalogue of an Exhibition at the Grolier Club, February 23 - May 14, 2016. 4) SEVILLE, Adrian: "L'arte dei giochi da tavolo. Oltre un secolo di storia e divertimento dalla fine del Settecento all'inizio del Novecento." Edizioni White Star, 2019. 5) SEVILLE, Adrian: "A history of Cycling in six Board Games". In: "The Ephemerist" N°194, autumn 2021. |
The Development of the English Board Game, 1770-1850 (Caroline G. Goodfellow) | ||
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