Giochi dell'Oca e di percorso
(by Luigi Ciompi & Adrian Seville)
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Bikee. A new Cycling Game 
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primo autore: Anonimo 
secondo autore: Faulkner C. W. 
anno: 1899 
luogo: Inghilterra-Londra 
periodo: XIX secolo (4°/4) 
percorso: Percorso di 84 caselle numerate 
materiale: cartoncino 
dimensioni: 20 carte 50X90 
stampa: Cromolitografia 
luogo acquisto:  
data acquisto:  
dimensioni confezione:  
numero caselle: 84 
categoria: Automobile, cicli e motocicli 
tipo di gioco: Gioco di percorso  
editore: Published by C. W. Faulkner &Co. 79 Golden Lane London 
stampatore: Published by C. W. Faulkner &Co. 79 Golden Lane London 
proprietario: Collezione A. Seville 
autore delle foto: A. Seville 
numero di catalogo: 1303 
descrizione: Gioco di 84 caselle numerate costituito da 20 carte che vengono disposte in forma di rettangolo come indicano le regole allegate.
REGOLE: non riportate sul tavoliere.
CASELLE: mute.

NOTA 1: gioco composto da 20 carte da disporre in maniera da formare un percorso rettangolare come indicato nelle regole allegate. Sono presenti 6 pedine. Per la struttura vedi anche gioco "Le Jockey. Jeu de Courses " (Arch. n°1654). Vista anche versione francese di Bernard Dondorf.

C. W. Faulkner and Co
of 79 Golden Lane, London, EC1. (1922)
Ditto address. Telephone: Clerkenwell 1067- 8. Cables: "Poems, Barb, London". (1929)
An important publisher of games, pictorial souvenirs, children’s books, and postcards.
Faulkner was originally in the Christmas card business together with Albert Hilder Scheimer.
1882 Though they worked as lithographers they also began printing in gravure.
1885 The partnership ended with Faulkner taking over the business.
1890s He changed the company name.
1905 It became a Limited company. While they printed a wide variety of card types, they are best known for their early black and white view-cards paired with a coat of arms, real photo cards of actresses, artist signed cards by Louis Wain, and propaganda cards issued during World War One. Many of their cards were printed in Germany and Austria.
1922 British Industries Fair Advert as "The Leading Art Publishers". Christmas Cards, Birthday Cards, Postcards. Also Daily Tear-off Blocks Calendars, Turnover Calendars, Novelty Calendars. Toy and Painting Books; Pictures; Posters; Showcards. (Stand No. K. 72)
1929 British Industries Fair Advert for all types of Calendars; Christmas and New Year Cards; Painting Books and Boxes; Motto Cards; Diaries; Story Books, etc. Pictures; Postcards; Toy Books; Posters; Showcards; Advertising Novelties, etc. (Stationery Section - Stand No. R. 46)
(Grace's Guide)


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